Monday, September 19, 2011

"The Resolution" for Women by Priscilla Shirer

I bought this devotional to do for our "Cross Country" journey from Alabama to California. I have to admit I am not very consistent like I would like to be with my devotionals but I want to be. I knew I would be in the van for a lot of hours and thought what a wonderful thing to be doing while driving ..looking at "Gods Country."
And what a Beautiful country it is! I was doing my devotionals each day it lit a fire under me. This book that I listed in the title really makes you think about your life, how you live it and how you want to improve yourself. (and I haven't gotten even halfway through it) The first day was on contentment. I thought I was pretty content but as I read I realize I am really not. I am always thinking if only I can get through this day, if only this one gets potty trained, if only I could like I did before kids. There is always something, it makes you think about living like you are now in the present and being happy with yourself and family as you are! Hmmm...
Today I read about "submission." This has always been a rough one for me! Me submissive..Ha! But, I think it actually clicked with me today. Doing things the way God wants them doesn't mean your husband is better than you, it's just Gods design.

So I am starting this blog.. maybe writing some of my lessons and learning from books or devotionals. I would love to hear of good books and devotionals you have read as well.

I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13

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